Meet The Team

Tom Longshaw
Director Of Research & Development
As a keen believer in the power of big data, Tom has held senior R&D positions at both DERA (Defence Evaluation & Research Agency) and Clearpace Software. Tom is responsible for the development at of the company’s unique, cloud based analytical solutions, and is always pushing the boundaries of technical capability, both at our clients and in house.

Peter Ruffley
With over 40 years’ broad experience in the IT industry, including working with some of the biggest data technologies such as Oracle, IBM and Ingres Peter is the founder of Zizo Software. With a keen interest in Cloud analytic technologies, Peter understood the move to Cloud analytics was underway, and assembled a team to create a new type of technology, suited to deliver Big Data analytics and pattern database services at scale in the cloud. That technology is Zizo.

Matthew Napleton
Chief Commercial Officer
With 15 years of IT sales & marketing experience, Matthew’s primary focus is to continually increase thought leadership and global brand awareness to deliver business results. With additional remit to grow the partnerships at Zizo, Matthew also works closely with our key technology partners, Intel, ARM Pelion & Nvidia, to bring the Zizo technology and services to a global audience.